Hiking the Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail in Bryce Canyon National Park

Distance: 5.5 miles / 8.9 km

The Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail is arguably the best and most beautiful day hike in Bryce Canyon National Park! However, this same sentiment goes hand in hand with the neighboring Navajo Loop Trail, as both are among the best trails in Bryce Canyon, winding their way through the heart of the amphitheater, which is generally thought of as the most beautiful area in the entire park!

It is for this reason that both are commonly combined into one longer adventure, saving both a descent and ascent into Bryce Canyon when hiked as one.

In any case, this article is solely about the Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail, beginning from the Bryce Point Trailhead, but the connection with the Navajo Loop Trail can be seen later in this article, should you be interested in combining both hikes into one!

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trailhead Parking

Parking for the Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail is located at Bryce Point, which is also the trailhead for the Under-the-Rim Trail and the Rim Trail.

That being said, the small parking area for Bryce Point tends to be one of the more congested trailheads in Bryce Canyon, given that all these different adventures begin at this one location. This can be seen from the photos taken just after sunrise and at midday.

Google Maps Directions: Peek-a-Boo Loop Trailhead (Bryce Point)

Bryce Point Trailhead Parking

Bryce Point Trailhead Parking


Hiking Checklist - Bryce Canyon

Here is a complete list of must-have things that you will want for any hike in Bryce Canyon National Park.

Hiking the Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

The Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail begins at the Bryce Point Trailhead, which is also the starting point as the Under-the-Rim Trail.

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trailhead

From the Bryce Point Trailhead, the Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail descends about 600 ft. (183 m) for roughly 1.1 miles (1.8 km) into the Bryce Canyon Amphitheater.

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop-Under the Rim Junction

After just 0.1 miles (0.2 km), the Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail splits with the Under-the-Rim Trail.

At this junction, go left to remain on the Peek-a-Boo Loop, but if you’re interested in learning more about the full Under-the-Rim Trail from north to south, I encourage you to read more in my separate article.

Read My Separate Post: Under-the-Rim Trail

Go Left

Peek-a-Boo Loop-Under-the-Rim Junction

Then, the Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail begins descending steeply into the amphitheater, but the trail really begins to get more beautiful as it passes through the first arch about halfway down.

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

If you look closely from Bryce and Inspiration Point, this arch, and the trail that follows can clearly be seen from both overlooks.

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

This is the section of trail where you can clearly see Bryce Point and the people visiting the overlook up above.

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

The section just before the Peek-a-Boo Loop, through the bottom of the amphitheater, is one of the most beautiful sections of the trail, in my opinion—especially for photographers!

That being said, don’t forget to hike with a polarizer to cut through the harsh desert light, which really helps bring out the best colors!

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

After 1.1 miles (1.8 km), the descent from Bryce Point ends and the true Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail begins.

While it doesn’t make too much of a difference which direction you choose to hike the loop, the left (west) side of the loop is generally considered to be more difficult side, with more elevation changes, and it is also longer by about 0.6 miles (1.0 km).

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

For the reasons mentioned above, I prefer to go left in the clockwise direction first, which is also the direction of the only restroom that can be found on the entire trail.

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

At the split just after the horse corral, go right to stay on the Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail or left for the restroom mentioned previously.

Go Right

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Then, the Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail begins winding its way through the heart of the Bryce Canyon Amphitheater, with the Wall of Windows being the first prominent landmark on this side of the loop.

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Wall of Windows

These two arches are what’s known as the Wall of Windows, and they can be easy to overlook if you are hiking the Peek-a-Boo Loop in the opposite direction.

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Compared to the Two Bridges switchbacks on the Navajo Loop Trail, these unnamed switchbacks are truly a hidden gem and a great place for photographers to capture some beautiful and unique angles.

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

After the tunnel above the switchbacks, the Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail simply works its way toward the far end of the loop, which is also where the connection is located for the Navajo Loop Trail.

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo-Navajo Junction

If you choose to hike the Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail in the clockwise direction, as shown here, the connection with the Navajo Loop Trail will be about 3.0 miles (4.8 km) into the hike.

To learn more about the full trail beginning from Sunset Point, I encourage you to check out my separate article linked below.

Read My Separate Post: Navajo Loop Trail

Go Right

Peek-a-Boo-Navajo Junction

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Following the Navajo Loop junction, the Peek-a-Boo Loop begins winding its way back through the hoodoos, but in my experience, the east side of the loop always feels quicker and easier than the west side shown above.

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Whenever you pass a sign indicating that you’re in a sensitive plant habitat in Bryce Canyon National Park, these signs are almost always referring to the Bristlecone Pine populations that can be found throughout the park.

If you don’t know, Bristlecone Pines are the oldest trees on Earth, and because they are so unique, it is strongly asked that you don’t stray from the trail when viewing them.

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Bristlecone Pine - (Pinus longaeva)

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Arch

The last and final arch on the trail, outside of the initial descent, is the Peek-a-Boo Arch, which, in my opinion, is one of the more picturesque parts of the entire hike.

Peek-a-Boo Arch

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Following the Peek-a-Boo Arch, the loop simply works its way back down to the bottom of the canyon and around the hoodoos to complete the roughly 3.0-mile (4.8 km) loop.

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Junction

Once back to the beginning, go left at the Peek-a-Boo Loop junction to begin the 1.1-mile (1.8 km) climb back up to Bryce Point.

Go Left

Peek-a-Boo Loop Junction

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail

Peek-a-Boo Loop-Under the Rim Junction

This is the same Under-the-Rim junction shown previously, which I highly encourage you to check out if you are interested in learning more about the Bryce Canyon backcountry and the park’s only thru-hike.

Read My Separate Post: Under-the-Rim Trail

Go Right

Overall, the Peek-a-Boo Loop Trail is one of my favorite day hikes in Bryce Canyon National Park because I think that it’s one of the most beautiful trails to explore when visiting the area.

With that in mind, choosing either the Peek-a-Boo or Navajo Loop Trail is, without a doubt, the best way to see the Bryce Canyon Amphitheater below the rim, which is generally regarded as the most beautiful part of the entire park!

Peek-a-Boo Loop Trailhead



Iʻm a self-taught adventure photographer living on the island of Oʻahu.



Hiking the Riggs Spring Loop Trail in Bryce Canyon National Park


Hiking the Under-the-Rim Trail (North to South) in Bryce Canyon National Park